The ai seems able to take the A1 rook with a direct pawn drop.
It's extremely glitchy when it comes to moving pieces.
The game pauses itself every time you try and make a move
Multiplayer option will be good.
Bad graphics with bugs
The AI is very bad. I found a guaranteed win strategy that works with intermediate ai that relies on a bughouse trap that the AI ALWAYS falls for. Very boring games. most games are like this: nf3, d5, ne3, f6 or d4. f6 yields pawn on f7#.
The AI is not good what so ever. He would consistently allow me to capture his F pawn then his rook for free, when he could have taken my sacrifice. In one game I put the king in check and the AI placed a pawn randomly on the board, not getting out of check. I captured the king (illegal) and the game ended saying that a king was captured. I love the idea of a bughouse cellphone game but I think there is work that needs to be done.
This is a great and convenient way to play bughouse with friends. The boards are very small, but there isn't much that can be done about that.